Travis Wilson

Why Join ThePressFitness?



“I PRESS toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.” 

– Philippians 3:14


 And just like the scripture I PRESS! It has been the PRESS that has allowed me to stay committed to working out and stay in great health for the last 27 years. My journey started in high school where I stood 5’10” and weighed in at a whopping 135 lbs . Being small in stature most of my life, I decided I wanted a different body. After one of my neighborhood friends, who had formerly stood like me, returned from the military buff and cut up, it prompted my interest in working out. I accompanied him to the gym and immediately fell in love with the PRESS. Not just the dumbbell press or bench press but the PRESS in me that made my desire to change and build my body into something better. I made up in my mind that day that no matter what I would PRESS! 

In this ministry of fitness and health, I will always encourage you to PRESS! PRESS on the hard days, PRESS in the moments you want to quit, PRESS through the doubt, fear, and pain, PRESS with the knowing that there is greater on the other side. Just like your spiritual breakthrough, your physical breakthrough is in the PRESS!